In the last couple of weeks we have added 2 new mini diffusers from two different brands, both USB charge, but that's where their similarities end. Pictured above LEFT is the USB diffuser from Lively Living and next to it, looking a little like the neuralyzer from Men In Black, the USB diffuser from Eco Modern Essentials. We have a 5ml essential oil bottle next to it for a size comparison.

In this post, we're going to run down through each feature and then our recommendations on when & where to use each one.

USB Powered

Both diffusers are powered by USB but in a very different way. The Lively Living Aroma Mod is powered with a USB cable which must be plugged in for the diffuser to work. You're not just restricted to USB ports though, you do get an Australian mains power adapter and it can be plugged in to any power point. The Eco Aroma Mini Mist only runs when there's nothing plugged in. You use your USB cable to charge the unit and then unplug it when you turn it on. This means you can roam with the Eco Aroma Mini Mist but it also limits the run time, which is 45 minutes. Once this has passed, you need to recharge. In comparison, the Aroma Mod runs for 4 hours of continuous mist and can go for another 4 hours if you stop for a moment and refill the tank.

The winner for portability is the Mini Mist
The winner for longevity is the Aroma Mod

Run time & mist strength

The Lively Living Aroma Mod has a tank size of 60ml and a 4 hour continuous mist run time. The mist during these 4 hours is pretty consistent. In comparison, the Eco Aroma Mini Mist falls at around 1/4 of that at 15ml and a 45 minute run time and a significant stop in between for a recharge before you can use it again. The mist strength in the Mini Mist starts off quite good fora  handheld when the tank is full. As the water level goes down in the tank, the strength of the mist does decrease quite significantly as the tank gets closer to being empty. Since the Mini Mist is a personal space diffuser, this isn't a huge issue for that specific use, but you will notice a difference if you want to diffuse in a room and not just right next to you.

The winner for both run time and mist strength is the Aroma Mod

Physical size

Both the Lively Living Aroma Mod and the Eco Aroma Mini Mist will fit in the palm of your hand.

The Lively Living Aroma Mod is just 9cm in diameter and 7.5cm tall. It has quite a small footprint for a benchtop / desktop diffuser which is the reason why I removed the larger diffuser from my office and now the Aroma Mod is my office diffuser. The Mini Mist is 11.5cm tall, 2cm diameter at the base and 2.6cm diameter at the top. Despite being top heavy, it does stand up quite nicely.

The winner - we're calling this a tie. For what their purpose is, they are both petite for their power.

Essential Oils consumption

I have run both units with 2 and 4 drops in them each. Both Australian brands, so you can easily use essential oils from Australia by supporting whichever brand you choose, or simply pick your favourite oil from any brand you like. Considering the run time and the tank sizes, I found the Aroma Mod to give better value for money and since the Lively Living essential oils are organic, you do want to get value for money from your oils.

Where are they best used?

As a car diffuser, either are suitable with the following tips from us here at Shop Naturally. Since the Aroma Mod has a really strong mist strength for the size, I would only use this in the rear of a car, not the front. If you have a car with USB ports in the back seats for the kids, set it up there. I would be concerned about potential vision issues if it was with you in the front seat.  Don't diffuse oils for long periods of time in confined spaces. I would limit the Aroma Mod in a car for 15-20 minute bursts and then turn it off. Diffuse something uplifting like a citrus blend and not lavender that may put you to sleep!
As a personal / portable diffuser the Mini Mist slides right in your pocket or handbag. On hot days, use it to mist your face. If you have a blocked nose, short bursts of mist with the right essential oils will give you a similar effect to an inhaler.
As a desktop diffuser, the Aroma Mod truly shines. Plug it in to a USB port on your computer and it takes up very little space. If you work in a small office, it's powerful enough to make an impact in the whole room. In a larger office, it will still be effective in your own personal space.


Each brand have been kind enough to produce a short video to see the diffuser in action. If you have any questions, please let us know.