If you're new to our website, my blog and our online store, I will give you a brief bio of my life so you can understand why I think the new Simple As That Sunscreen is a revolution in the way that natural sunscreen is formulated.

In 1997, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). While the fatigue has significantly improved, the MCS still carries both physical and emotional scars that I manage on a daily basis. My natural beauty regime is minimalist because I react to a lot of things, both natural and chemical. Floral essential oils, for example, can cause allergies and breathing difficulties alone, so I stay away from them. While the sunscreens that we sell are great for 99% of our customers, there's a handful of canaries like myself who have troubles with sunscreen. I have spoken to the parents of sensitive kids too, and while we're in the minority, we're certainly not alone and it has been difficult for us to find a sunscreen that we can tolerate on a regular basis. NOW WE HAVE ONE.

Simple At That Sunscreen is the first one that this little canary can tolerate

While I have used the Eco Sunscreen Face Sunscreen on myself before and not reacted to it from an allergy or chemical reaction standpoint, it makes my skin dry afterwards. The skin on my face is incredibly delicate, which makes picking product loads of fun. NOT!!  I can use it once and heal my skin in a few days, but I couldn't use it every day. I know thousands of you do, and it's a fantastic product, but my skin can't tolerate it long term. Because of this, I limit my 11am to 3pm sun in summer to around 20 minutes and then I get in to the shade. NOT ANY MORE!!! Patch testing that I have done with the Simple As That Sunscreen has left my skin feeling normal afterwards. The formulation is amazing, and when I tell people that choosing natural sunscreen is always a compromise, this one has a compromise too, it's dearer than the rest. Trust me, if you're hyper sensitive, if you have kids with allergies or your skin is sensitive to the drying effects of zinc oxide, you're going to want to upgrade to this one.

One of my staff has a very sensitive child who comes out in painful red welts on her skin if she uses something that doesn't agree with her. She has been sent to school with this sunscreen on her with no issue.

It rubs ALL the way in

Natural sunscreen is quite often about compromise. They're just small compromises, but when you have a formula designed to sit ON the skin and reflect rays, getting consistency vs not too dry vs not too oily vs the smell is a delicate act to balance and we all have different skin types and needs. The Wotnot Sunscreen in store either gets rave reviews or low reviews as it's on the oily side. At the other end of the spectrum, the Eco Sunscreen brand is not even remotely greasy, but those whose skin is prone to drying easily can have an issue with this one too and it does leave a slight white cast on your skin. Amazing coverage, it's brilliant sunscreen, but if you're not on beach day, you may need to pop a bit of mineral makeup over the top.

For me, the Simple As That Sunscreen ticked all the box. It sits in that perfect place in the middle. We did a skin patch test before adding it the shop and we photographed it in our own professional studio so you can see the results too.

We put a thick coat on Louise's arm (at step 1) and then I had her only rub half of it in. These photos were taken a minute apart. As you can see it rubs all the way in.


The perfect SPF Primer

If you're wearing makeup during the day and you're going to be spending a lot of time in the car (yes, you can get sunburnt in a car) or walking outside, you can ditch your primer and use this instead. It is a non-greasy finish. Simply rub in, then apply your regular foundation over the top. It is more moisturising than any other untinted SPF we tried. (Note: we are also pretty please with the tinted BB / CC SPF options from Andalou Naturals, but they're a completely different product and not as suitable for the ultra sensitive.

Revolution? You decide.

For me, it's all about the suitability for the ultra-sensitive. In that aspect, it's the first one I have seen, and this summer, I am going to be so very pleased that it's a new addition to our store.

RRP - $29.95 or 10% off with any $100 Hair, Face & Body spend.