I am the first to admit, I don't own every beauty product that exists. I do try out a lot of them, and then usually pass the majority of them on to the staff or friends to test out as well for a second opinion. It's like being Santa every day of the year!! I'll be honest, up until now, I have thought the whole idea of buying hand cream was an unnecessary luxury and couldn't understand why people always had a tube in their handbag and carried them everywhere. For those times I need some hand moisturising, I usually just rub a bit of organic coconut oil on while I'm doing my legs in the shower (or almond oil if I'm really dry, it lasts a bit longer) or grab a bit of body lotion or face cream. Surely I'm not alone.

I can tell you that after road testing the two new offerings from Zkin Organics and La Mav, both whom have branched out from their organic skin care origins and in to body care, I'm kinda hooked! Here's my side by side comparison to help you choose which one you'd like to become addicted to!

Size & Price

Both are 50ml in size. The La Mav is $24.95, the Zkin is $19.95

The scale in the picture above is pretty accurate. The Zkin is a long and skinny tube and probably easier carried around in your purse than the short & squatty La Mav, but the latter is in an airless pump and will keep for longer once you start using it as there's no air getting to the contents

How does it rub in?

The Zkin gets soaked in to your skin pretty much immediately. In under a minute, you can't see that you're put it on. There's still a little bit of a sheen to my skin a couple of minutes after the La Mav is put on. It's not greasy, but you can still see that you just applied something. They're both really easy to rub in and absorb well.

How does your skin feel half an hour later?

If you have really dry skin, which I did when I performed the test (I had been washing up and pulling weeds out of the garden and had washed them several times) my hands feel more nourished by the La Mav. It's not a huge difference, but I can tell.

What does it smell like?

The Zkin has a bit of a nondescript scent. It's a bit like talc or something. It's just the smell of the ingredients without any kind of essential oils to give it a specific scent. The La Mav is scented with Lemon Myrtle and Lavender. It's the Lemon Myrtle that has the dominant smell and it reminds me of those fizz sherbets I used to eat as a kid (I know, horrid right?)

What is your pick?

For me, the winner is La Mav. I just adore the smell, and when I want to use hand cream, there's something seriously wrong, otherwise I don't bother. If you're at the office and you use it 2-3 times a day and need to jump straight back on to the computer, you should choose the zkin.

Buy Now

Click on either image below to jump straight to your favourite.

$24.95 click image to buy
$24.95 click image to buy

$19.95 click image to buy
$19.95 click image to buy