We're big on multi-purpose products at Shop Naturally and many products found in both the natural makeup category and the organic skin care range can perform a multitude of tasks. Today we stumbled upon a mainstream article with some pretty cool makeup hacks. We're putting our natural spin on them for you.

HACK #1 - baby powder or dry shampoo to thicken lashes

I didn't know this one, and lucky for you, we have a natural dry shampoo and a natural baby powder in store for you to try this hack.

Don't have a volumising organic mascara in your makeup bag? That's fine. While we do have one from Zuii, if you don't want to plump up your lashes every day, just use this hack. Since all natural and organic mascaras have a life of around 3 months once you open them, you can be thrifty with your normal one.

How do you do it? Apply one coat of mascara and allow it to dry. Use a cotton bud or a clean mascara brush (you can buy throw away ones really cheap on eBay) to put a small dusting of powder on your lashes. Apply the second coat of mascara over the powder.

HACK #2 - Use coconut oil to wash off your eye makeup at the end of the night

I'm sure you've heard me rabbit on about this one. Coconut oil makes a super gentle eye makeup remover. Use it as you would any cleanser.

HACK #3 - longer lasting eye shadow with some concealer

Use some concealer as a primer base for your eye shadow for longer lasting and more vibrant colours. You can use your day colours to brighten them up and stay on longer.

HACK #4 - clear mascara as eyebrow gel

We have a clear mascara in the Ere Perez range in store. While we have eyebrow gels too, if you only want it once in a blue moon and you have a clear mascara in your bag already, bingo!

HACK #5 - paw paw cream for your cuticles

The article we read talked about Petroleum Jelly, but ewwww, we're not a fan. You can achieve exactly the same thing with a good quality organic paw paw cream and it's under $8 a tube. You can use it for anything. It's the one thing I always have in my desk draw, handbag and bedside table.