We have been asked for a natural cold sore remedy by several customers over the last few weeks, and while we don't have anything listed in the shop to specifically treat them (yet)  as a stand alone product, most of the natural cold sore products on the market are formulated around a key group of essential oils, and since we're big on our multi-tasking products, especially our pure oils, serums and more in our organic skin care aisle, we usually direct people towards these items. If you already have a core group of essential oils in your natural remedies kit (the doTERRA starter packs for example), you've probably already got what you need in your cabinet.

What are cold sores & their symptoms?

They are the result of the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) becoming active and replicating on the skin. They are highly contagious through physical contact and once you have the virus,  you have it for life. Flare ups usually occur when you are stressed or run down or your immune system is compromised by something else.

As cold sores appear, there is a burning or tingling sensation at the site of the infection. If you learn to catch the signs at this level, it is quicker and easier to treat a flare up. After the tingling sensation, small red pimples usually appear and they turn in to blisters if left unchecked. These blisters can be quite painful and since many of them appear around the lips, the constant movement of the area can make this pain worse. The skin irritation can also be accompanied by headaches and lymph node swelling (under the jaw or even under the armpits depending on the severity).

Simple cold sore remedy recipes

We have scoured the internet to not only read the ingredients of commercial natural cold sore formulas but to also compare them to many DIY recipes. Here's our top picks.

  1. Tea Tree Oil
    Take 1 tablespoon of carrier oil (coconut oil or any pure oil that's in your organc skin care regime already like jojoba oil, hemp seed oil, argan oil etc) and 4 drops of tea tree essential oil, tip a cotton bud in, mix it up and then apply directly to the affected area. Reapply a few times every day until the cold sore has completely vanished. Do not EVER use it inside your nose or swallow it. If applying near the lips, do not lick it off your lips as tea tree oil is not meant to be ingested.
  2. Garlic
    A natural antimicrobial, if you can catch a cold sore at the tingle stage, it is possible to prevent it from forming. Add a small dollop of garlic paste to the spot and repeat several times during the day. You're going to smell lovely, but unlike the tea tree oil, if you ingest it, you're just going to have bad breath.
  3. Oregano oil
    This is not a common oil that most people buy, but it is in the doTERRA kits, so if you're not using it to flavour casseroles and you're wondering what to do with it, oregano oil can also be used as a cold sore remedy, and again, unlike tea tree oil, the doTERRA oregano oil is food grade and if it's accidentally ingested, it shouldn't be a huge issue. Information we read online suggests adding oregano oil to your cold sore neat. I'm not a fan of the idea and would be suggesting the dilution with a carrier oil.
  4. Lysine rich food and supplements
    L-Lysine is an amino acid that can help reduce the severity of attacks and reduce the healing time for cold sores. You can take lysine in a supplement or get it from your diet. There's lysine in meat, milk, cheese, eggs and fish. At the same time, if you can avoid foods high in the amino acid arginine, it will make the job a whole lot easier. They include nuts, brown rice, wheat, chocolate and beer. Sorry guys! There's a whole lot of comfort food in there. Also adding vitamins C and D (either through supplements or spending time in the sun) and magnesium to your diet can help. You can also get magnesium transdermally through magnesium oil if you can't get enough in your diet or if the supplements irritate your gut.
  5. Necessity Cold Sore Relief
    If you'd prefer to purchase a pre-made remedy, in coming weeks we will have the Cold Sore Relief in store from Necessity, the same people who bring you the Fixaderm and their super budget friendly ZitStik. It is a combination of tea tree, eucalyptus, rosewood, vetiver and lavender essential oils blended in two carrier oils. We will update this blog post when it is available for sale.