We’ve been running Shop Naturally now since 2009.  Since then, there have been some pretty major advances in the development of a whole range of natural beauty products and cosmetics. A browse of our organic skin care and organic makeup categories will show you over 350 products that are available. Our Hair, Face & Body department has over 800 products.

Many of these products and brands didn’t even exist in 2009 when we first opened our doors. The industry is growing and advancing technology in leaps and bounds, with Zkin Organics even being given a government grant for their work on creating a new natural preservative for their fully certified organic skin care range, which was developed, researched and produced in Australia.

While we have a small range of skin care and makeup in our store that comes from overseas, a vast amount of it is produced right here in Australia, for Australian skin and for Australian conditions.

As well as beauty blog Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily having their natural beauty month this month, there’s also a 4 page spread in the July edition of the Australian Women’s Weekly called “Going Green, the truth about natural beauty products”. It’s a great read, and I was really excited to see some Shop Naturally products on their pages.

If you’re familiar with our Marketing Manifesto, I have a big issue with manipulative advertising. The AWW article warns consumers of green washing, where mainstream companies will add one or two natural ingredients and call the product natural. It really is hard for the consumer to make informed choices when the advertising is your main source of information.

I’m here to tell you that there’s no greenwashing at Shop Naturally. When you read our list of ingredients, you’ll find natural ingredients, organic ingredients, products with their main ingredients as almond oil, coconut oil, essential oils, aloe vera and more. There's an amazing body scrub using coffee grounds from La Mav and a hard working face masque with cacao powder as a core ingredient from Zkin Organics. So many natural and even edible ingredients go in to these formulas.

Yes, in a small number of products, a very small amount of chemical preservative can be found (less than 1%, usually a lot less than that). For those who want to avoid natural products with a chemical preservative, there's plenty to choose from in our store. Simply go to our Ingredients tab on any product and look for the NATURAL PRESERVATIVE badge. It’s that easy.

Statistics show that since 2009 (when we opened), the industry has grown 18% each year. There’s a mountain of top quality, hard working, efficient and affordable natural beauty products available now. Several years ago, they were a lot harder to find.

Many of these products are working their way in to mainstream shops and department stores, but it can be really hard to spot the genuinely natural products from those that are greenwashed.

Our two products mentioned in the AWW article are actually both performance products, the Zkin Line Smoothing Serum and the La Mav Bio VA5 Daily Wrinkle Smoothing Crème. You can definitely step past standard cleaner / moisturiser type products and find true performers in specialty products in the natural beauty industry now. There’s even natural BB Cream’s and CC Cream’s with SPF ratings so you can still use a natural sunscreen on your face without your skin drying out or looking white and pasty.

Step outside of skin care for a moment and the one product that most people find difficult to switch is their deodorant. Take a quick look in our natural deodorant category and you’ll find a long list of 5 star reviews for more than one of our brands, but the best reviews are definitely coming from the Erica Brooke Deodorant Crème range.

If you have been wondering whether natural beauty products work, wonder no more. They do. Don’t just take my word for it. We have over 5,000 product reviews on our site. Read a few and see for yourself. Click on the BUY NOW button below to jump to our Hair, Face & Body aisle and start finding out just how many amazing products are now on our shelves.
