My Magic Mud Teeth Whitening Powder now available in samples
A few weeks ago, we gave a tub of My Magic Mud to one of our product testers who found the whole idea to be rather weird. We know the concept of charcoal teeth whitening turning your teeth black before they turn them white is odd, so we have now arranged for samples to be available for purchase. You can try it for a week and see whether you fall in love with it like so many of our other customers have.
What's in it?
This is the original charcoal teeth whitening powder brand from the USA and it has just 4 clean ingredients.
- Activated Coconut Shell Charcoal (supplement grade)
- Calcium Bentonite Clay (supplement grade – made with living clay)
- Organic orange peel extract powder
- Wildcraft Mint Extract Powder
It has no noticable taste, which we have verified ourselves, but it's super messy, so it's best done in the shower and NOT with your favourite toothbrush. For this reason, we're selling sample pots paired with the Pearl Bar charcoal infused bristles biodegradable toothbrushes. Yep, when you're done with it, plant it in your garden bed and the whole thing will degrade back in to your soil.
While stocks last, the sample pots with the toothbrushes are available to purchase right here from our store. We're not sure how long we can get them for, so be quick. The sample pot is enough to try it for a whole week and the toothbrush is available in either soft or medium bristles.
What do our customers say?
Here's a handful of customer reviews published our website (all purchasers have been verified as genuine). We know that there is a lot of information about using coconut oil and oil pulling to whiten teeth, but we have seen far superior results from the charcoal powder than with coconut oil.
"I've been using this each night for just over a week and I'm very pleased with the results. My teeth are whiter and, after brushing, my mouth and gums feel really clean. There is no aftertaste and although it is a little messy, once you get into a routine it's very easy to use. I put toothpaste onto my (electric) brush, wet it, then use my finger to make an indentation in the paste. I use a little ceramic spoon to pour some of the powder into the indentation. Then off I go! I thoroughly recommend it."
"I'm having fun with this. It's not as messy as I thought it would be, either (although I am following the detailed usage instructions carefully). And, just three days in: already my smile is looking better! Great! I was getting a bit embarrassed to bare my teeth!!"
"I have been looking for charcoal to use on my teeth and was so happy when I found this.
I love how my teeth look and feel afterwards and I know the charcoal is working it's magic!"
"Love my magic mud!! I am convinced my teeth are whiter but definitely cleaner than they have ever felt before. I am in love :)"
"The best natural alternative to using chemical teeth whitening, this stuff definately works - my teeth are white and stain free. its really not that messy if you use the stainless steel sink in the kitchen. takes 2 minutes. this powder has many other uses- it draws out toxins and impurities so is used to treat food poisoning, can be used on pimples... would def buy again but id say it will take a while to get through this jar. ????"
Note: This product is not designed to completely replace your natural flouride free toothpaste. Use it periodically as a whitening treatment only. It is also no longer available in Australia.