When researching which essential oils are good for energy, the fresh aroma of citrus essential oils fill the list along with fresh scents of peppermint and lemon myrtle. The team at Eco Modern Essentials have created a truly unique and interesting essential oil blend for energy that doesn't sound like it would work on paper, but the blend works really well together.

The energy blend comes in an undiluted 10ml blend and a diluted roller ball for direct topical application. You can use the undiluted version in your favourite aroma diffuser. Do not apply the undiluted version direct to the skin, it needs to be diluted in a carrier oil first if you choose to do that.

Energy blend contains lavender essential oil, rosemary essential oil, juniper essential oil and black pepper essential oil. Lavender is traditionally known as an oil for calming and relaxation, so what is it doing in an energy blend? The Rosemary can assist with brain function as research has shown the inhalation of rosemary essential oil can help to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a brain chemical that plays an important role in thinking, concentration and memory. The four oils just balance together in a way we don't quite understand.

Single essential oils that give that fresh and uplifting feeling and promote energy include lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, sweet orange, mandarin and lemongrass along with fresh and cooling aromas like peppermint and eucalyptus.

While Eco Aroma don't have a dedicated Energy pack of essential oils, they do have their Scents of Summer back containing lime, sweet orange and bergamot, all fresh scents to help promote and uplift.

Eco Modern Essentials are one of the most well known brands of essential oils in Australia, providing pure and natural essential oils and blends in the affordable price bracket.